gra-dult-hood n.

1. A stage in life between graduation and adulthood.
2. Gradulthood often involves jobs that don't fulfil a graduate's expectations.
3. A term coined during the recession.

Now Thats What I Call Thrift: #11

Christmas.  The season of giving.  Not if Thrift Thursday has anything to do with it.

Today’s festive tip:  Don’t buy Christmas cards. if this makes me some sort of scrooge then fine, don’t give me one.  Cross me off the ‘nice’  list, I’m not interested.  If you see me everyday then wish me a Merry Christmas to my face or why not put it in an email, that way I can read it, enjoy it slightly then delete it.  I won’t have to have it knocking about my room until mid January. I don’t need some glittery snowman silently judging me for not sending you one back.  Now I’m not devoid of Christmas spirit, sure I’m no Macaulay Culkin but I’m also no Joe Pesci, sometimes a card can be a nice idea. Perhaps if you don’t see that person as much you’d like and want to let them know your thinking about them during the holidays but what I’m urging you not to get involved in is the bulk swapping of generic cards.  You might lose a few friends but you’ll save a couple of quid and that’s what this feature is all about.

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