gra-dult-hood n.

1. A stage in life between graduation and adulthood.
2. Gradulthood often involves jobs that don't fulfil a graduate's expectations.
3. A term coined during the recession.

Now Thats What I Call Thrift: #14

I’ll be joining in this week to create a double-header because I’ve noticed something thrifty that, I think a lot of people know exists, but they never really think about attending any of the events.

#14: TV/Radio Audiences

A lot of TV/Radio shows are filmed in front of audiences, and although most people are aware that this happens and the fact that these tickets are free, not many people ever bother applying. Some of these events you'd normally be paying anything from £10 to £30 for if they were to do a performance locally. Here are just a few things that are looking for audience members at the moment; the newly revamped ‘Question of sport’, the BBC Philharmonic in Manchester or the BBC Symphony Orchestra in London - both world renowned in their field, a show by comedienne Sarah Millican, or even an Aston Villa fans forum. And that’s only January. The website for shows by the BBC is:, and there are many other similar websites for the other main channels.

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