Buying a meal deal from Boots, Greggs, Sainsbury’s or your meal deal retailer of choice isn’t thrifty. You don’t need me to tell you that. You know as well as I do that you can rustle up a perfectly good lunch at home for half the price.
For the sake of this thrift post, I’m going to assume that a meal deals costs £2.99, and I’m going to purposely ignore Tesco’s £1.99 offering on the basis that it’s disgusting.
I’m a sucker for a meal deal, for about the last 3 weeks I’ve been going to Greggs every day and buying a BLT, a pack of Walkers cheese & onion (insert bad breath gag here), and a large bottle of OJ. Admittedly I had a couple of bumpy rides with a chicken arrabiata sandwich, and a pack of salt and vinegar at the beginning, but I’ve finally found the perfect trio.
Now, in my opinion, the Greggs meal deal tastes a lot better than the offering from Boots (those soggy, plasticy, wraps somehow manage to consistently lure me in), but there’s a reason thrifty gradults should go to the pharmacy for their lunch…
#24: The Boots meal deal.
So as I was saying, the Greggs meal deal tastes better than the meal deal from Boots, and they both cost the same price, so why am I recommending that thrifty gradults go to Boots? Here’s why.
Standing at the till today, with my three items on the counter, waiting to pay (sandwich facing the cashier so he/she can input the variety into the machine - the only info he/she needs for the transaction) I saw the total on the till hit the lofty heights of £3.20 before plummeting back down to £2.99. So I’ve just made a saving of 21p? 21p!? That’s not a meal deal saving! If I’d been at Boots, with the much larger selection of mediocre meal deal offerings; a posh butty/wrap, innocent smoothie of the month, plus a flapjack would have come to at least £6 before plummeting back down to £2.99! And for that, and that reason only, a thrifty gradult should get the Boots meal deal because technically, it’s a better deal. Can’t believe I’m going to back to those bloody wraps tomorrow…
Also advantage points (4 for every pound spent). Whilst buying my lunch everyday from Boots whilst working over the course of a summer (granted I was actually temping at Boots offices) I managed to amass around £30's worth of points.
ReplyDeleteI'm a tesco man. Sushi, apple and grape snack bag, and an OJ for when I first get into the office as a breakfast treat.
ReplyDeleteI only discovered after I wrote this post, that the Boots meal deal also includes BOGOF's! Superb.
ReplyDeleteMellows, each to their own, maybe I've snubbed a great meal deal opportunity at Tesco. Your meal sounds delicious, although arguably a little on the lightweight side.