gra-dult-hood n.

1. A stage in life between graduation and adulthood.
2. Gradulthood often involves jobs that don't fulfil a graduate's expectations.
3. A term coined during the recession.

This week on Gradulthood.

A day later than usual, I have no excuse other than laziness. So, down to business, here's what happened in the last 7(/8) days on the blog:

A Gradult works on a Sunday - Joe worked on a Sunday (when he wasn't writing this anyway) and took a picture of it to emphasise his displeasure.

Tweet of the week - BBC Trainees, Two peas in a podcast, and blogging.

Gradulthod: The Traffic Sources - New behind the blog mini-series.

Experiences of Gradulthood: Part 3 - A new list featuring all articles from the blog that are specifically about Gradulthood. (Part 4 out tomorrow, Parts 1 and 2 can be found at the top of the blog).

Gradults 0 - 1 Haircuts - Joe got a haircut, it didn't go to plan, the result? An amusing article about the perils of going for a haircut.

Now that's what I call thrift #25 - The student card, still useful 18 months on.

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